Bring your vision to life with Cocos2d-x Games

InTechual Solutions is a leading Cocos2d-x Game development working to give you the best gaming output. It is a cross-platform, open-source gaming development framework used worldwide. Our developers at InTechual Solutions are trained to give optimum output with perfect and attractive animation and graphics. We target all types of niche like educational, sports, racing, action, shooting, puzzle and many more.

  • Cross-Platform Gaming

    Produced from single code to mobile (Android and iOS), web and desktop.

  • Open Source Framework

    Makes it extensible and highly intuitive.

  • Fast and Flexible

    Optimized for streaming on all kinds of devices with the fastest speed compared to any other game engine.

  • APIs that makes learning easy

    For rapid development and substantial open community.

  • Third-party liabilities

    Cocos2d-x and third party liabilities can be integrated to boost the functionality of the game.

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